Alphabet Inc. (C Shares)
[WKN: A14Y6H | ISIN: US02079K1079]
168,560$ 0,80%
Echtzeit-Aktienkurs Alphabet Inc. (C Shares)
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DOJ Mulls Seeking Google Breakup

A bid to break up Alphabet Inc.’s Google is one of the options being considered by the Justice Department after…

Bloomberg Markets 08/13/2024

"Bloomberg Markets" follows the market moves across every global asset class and discusses the biggest issues for Wall Street. Todays…

Alphabet A (ex Google) Neutral

ZÜRICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die Schweizer Großbank UBS hat die Einstufung für Alphabet A-Aktie nach der Niederlage in einem wettbewerbsrechtlichen…