Microsoft Corp.
[WKN: 870747 | ISIN: US5949181045]
384,100€ 0,19%
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Bitcoin unbudged by Big Tech earnings

The recent round of Big Tech earnings in the US has failed to motivate bitcoin (BTC) markets higher. Microsoft delivered…

Bitcoin unbudged by Big Tech earnings

The recent round of Big Tech earnings in the US has failed to motivate bitcoin (BTC) markets higher. Microsoft delivered…

Microsoft: Kursziel erhöht

St. Louis ( - Rating-Update: Die Analysten von Stifel stufen die Aktie von Microsoft Corp. (ISIN: US5949181045, WKN: 870747, Ticker-Symbol: MSF,…

Microsoft Buy

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die US-Investmentbank Goldman Sachs hat die Einstufung für Microsoft nach Quartalszahlen mit einem Kursziel von…