Tencent Holdings Ltd.(ADRs)
[WKN: A0YHJ8 | ISIN: US88032Q1094]
49,600€ -4,15%
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China: Tencent will offenbar RISC-V-Chips

Mit den immer größer werdenden Beschränkungen für US-Hardware wendet sich nun auch der chinesische Anbieter Tencent RISC-V-Designs zu. (RISCV, Prozessor)...…

TENCENT Buys back 1.13M Shrs for $352M

TENCENT (00700.HK) disclosed in the report that today (20th), it repurchased 1.13 million shares of the company on the Stock…

TENCENT Buys back 1.1M Shrs for $353M

TENCENT (00700.HK) disclosed in its report that on 19 December (today), it repurchased 1.1 million shares of the company on…