Orkla ASA
[WKN: 864042 | ISIN: NO0003733800]
8,240€ 0,06%
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Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 1,000,000,000. Start date:                   18 July 2023 Maturity:                     18 October 2023 Coupon:                      4.69 % Organised…

Jotun quarterly update

Jotun, of which Orkla owns 42.7%, has issued a quarterly update for 1 April - 30 June 2023. Please find the…

Continued improvement for Orkla

Orklas operating revenues increased by 20% to NOK 17.1 billion in the second quarter. 11 of Orklas 12 portfolio companies…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 1,000,000,000. Start date:                   14 July 2023 Maturity:                     16 October 2023 Coupon:                      4.65 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   3 July 2023 Maturity:                      2 October 2023 Coupon:                      4.66 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 1,000,000,000. Start date:                   27 June 2023 Maturity:                      27 September 2023 Coupon:                      4.64 % Organised…

Orkla ASA: Jotun Interim Report

Jotun, of which Orkla owns 42.7%, has issued its financial statement for 1 January - 30 April 2023. Please find the…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 600,000,000. Start date:                   1 June 2023 Maturity:                      1 September 2023 Coupon:                      4.14 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 800,000,000. Start date:                   22 May 2023 Maturity:                     22 August 2023 Coupon:                      4.09 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   15 May 2023 Maturity:                     12 June 2023 Coupon:                      3.75 % Organised…

Orkla reports Q1 results

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Profit improvement for Orkla

Orkla had a solid improvement in both profit and revenues in the first quarter. Profit before tax amounted to NOK…

Jotun quarterly update

Jotun, of which Orkla owns 42.7%, has issued a quarterly update for 1 January - 31 March 2023. Please find the…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   12 May 2023 Maturity:                      12 September 2023 Coupon:                      4.18 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 600,000,000. Start date:                   21 April 2023 Maturity:                     15 May 2023 Coupon:                      3.55 % Organised…

Shares traded ex-dividend today

The shares in Orkla ASA will be traded ex-dividend of NOK 3.00 per share as from today, 14 April 2023. Orkla…

Annual General Meeting held

The Annual General Meeting of Orkla ASA was held today, 13 April 2023, as a digital meeting. All proposals on the…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 1,000,000,000. Start date:                   14 April 2023 Maturity:                     14 July 2023 Coupon:                      3.95 % Organised…

Management Changes at BioGaia AB

Isabelle Ducellier, Chief Executive Officer has today announced that she has decided to resign from the company and take on…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 800,000,000. Start date:                   29 March 2023 Maturity:                     27 June 2023 Coupon:                      3.85 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 600,000,000. Start date:                   24 March 2023 Maturity:                     21 April 2023 Coupon:                      3.475 % Organised…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   24 February 2023 Maturity:                     24 March 2023 Coupon:                      3.20% Organised by:            …

Orkla ASA: Jotun annual results 2022

Jotun, of which Orkla owns 42.6%, has issued a press release presenting the highlights for the 2022 results. Please find the…

Weaker profit for Orkla

Orklas operating revenues rose by 15% to NOK 16,077 million in the fourth quarter. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) increased by…

Orkla ASA: Jotun quarterly update

Jotun, of which Orkla owns 42.6%, has issued a quarterly update for 1 October - 31 December 2022. Please find the…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 300,000,000. Start date:                   9 February 2023 Maturity:                     17 March 2023 Coupon:                      3.20% Organised by:            …

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 200,000,000. Start date:                   30 January 2023 Maturity:                      1 March 2023 Coupon:                      3.20% Organised by:            …

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued two commercial papers: Amount:                      NOK 200,000,000 Start date:                   24 January 2023 Maturity:                     24 February 2023 Coupon:                      3.15 % Organised by:             DNB…

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   21 December 2022 Maturity:                     3 April 2023 Coupon:                      3.69% Organised by:            …

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 1,000,000,000. Start date:                   16 December 2022 Maturity:                      24 January 2023 Coupon:                      3.50% Organised by:            …

Orkla ASA – Issuance of Commercial Paper

Orkla ASA has issued a new commercial paper of NOK 500,000,000. Start date:                   28 November 2022 Maturity:                     28 December 2022 Coupon:                      3.47% Organised by:            …