Walmarts hochrangige Exekutivteam hat kürzlich bedeutenden Aktienbesitz veräußert, was Rückschlüsse auf die Selbstwahrnehmung des Unternehmens erlaubt und bei Investoren für…
These two millionaire-maker stocks have earned a hefty price tag on Wall Street.…
The retail giant is hiking the cost of something customers previously may have taken for granted.…
Walmart, Linde, IBM, Deere and Duke Energy are included in this Analyst Blog.…
Walmart and Chipotle are splitting stock for the first time in decades. With large lower-wage workforces, they say getting shares…
The retailer won market share in the most recent quarter.…
The retailer won market share in the most recent quarter.…
Walmart and Chipotle are splitting stock for the first time in decades. With large lower-wage workforces, they say getting shares…
Stocks sporting high prices might seem imposing to investors, so some companies are moving to split their shares.…
A former U.S. Labor Secretary who served under Bill Clinton had harsh words for Walmart and its pricing practices.…
The discount retailer is looking to bring an important service to more people and make its stores a "primary destination"…
Wenn das Osterhäschen noch nach Füllmaterial für die Osterkörbchen sucht, sollte es sich beeilen, denn viele Geschäfte bleiben an den…
Während der jüngsten Handelssitzung schloss die Walmart-Aktie (WMT) bei einem Wert von 60,17 US-Dollar, was eine negative Anpassung von 0,91%…
Investing in Walmart comes down to evaluating risk-adjusted gains.…
Its first new TV since being bought by Walmart confirms there’s no change in the brand’s focus on bang for…
Todays Research Daily features new research reports on 16 major stocks, including Walmart Inc. (WMT), Linde plc (LIN) and International…
Vizio says Walmart to withdraw, refile antitrust review application…
Walmart Inc. had the right to terminate a credit-card partnership with Capital One Financial Corp., a federal judge ruled, handing…
Walmart can end Capital One credit card partnership early, US judge rules…
The Walmart-owned warehouse club may not be as popular as its rival, but its food court still draws a lot…
The president and CEO of Walmart U.S. made some cheery comments on the state of retail and grocery.…
Lets compare two of the Dows biggest dividend payers.…
The warehouse club has a secret to keeping its members happy that Walmart and Target have no way of copying.…
Ibotta, which helps brands to deliver digital promotions to millions of consumers, did not disclose the size of the offering.…
Walmart-backed technology firm Ibotta files to go public in US…
The retail giant is adding new products to its portfolio to target different audiences.…
Walmart is a mature company, but its still targeting some huge growth niches.…
The retail superstore reigns supreme in several key categories, and recent data reveals why.…
One of Wall Streets highest-flying stocks is following in the footsteps of Amazon, Tesla, and Walmart by splitting its shares…
One of Wall Streets highest-flying stocks is following in the footsteps of Amazon, Tesla, and Walmart by splitting its shares…
Procter & Gamble and Walmart are both up over 10% year to date -- an admirable gain for these two…
The White House says over 80% of inflations decline comes from the supply chain, and the Biden DOT is expanding…
Walmart, das weltgrößte Einzelhandelsunternehmen, hat kürzlich eine positive Entwicklung an der Börse verzeichnet und Investoren fragen sich, was die Zukunft…
The low-priced store has learned a lesson and its not just about cutting down retail theft.…
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die kanadische Bank RBC hat die Einstufung für Walmart auf "Outperform" mit einem Kursziel von…
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die kanadische Bank RBC hat die Einstufung für Walmart auf "Outperform" mit einem Kursziel von…
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die kanadische Bank RBC hat die Einstufung für Walmart auf "Outperform" mit einem Kursziel von…
Die US-Börsen starten nach zwei Verlustwochen in Folge am Montag stark in die neue Handelswoche. Auf der einen Seite beflügelt…
Which of these venerable retailers offers a better investing opportunity?…
Walmart Inc., der führende Einzelhändler der USA, zeigt im Geschäftsjahresbericht bis zum 31. Januar 2024 eine beachtliche finanzielle Stärke. Mit…
Walmart setzt auf eindrucksvolle Diversifikation seiner Lieferoptionen und eine verstärkte Präsenz im Online-Lebensmittelhandel. Ein neuer Dienst ermöglicht es Kunden, bereits…
The retail superstore closed over 20 stores in 2023 and continues to shutter more in 2024.…
The move away from a Covid-era norm comes as Target and other retailers say theyve been battling theft.…