London Stock Exchange Group PLC
£96,536 0,38%
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Fed Fears Weaken Sentiment At FTSE-100

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange shed close to half a percent amidst fears that the…

Sentiment Weak At FTSE-100

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange shed close to half a percent amidst fears that the…

Sentiment Strong At FTSE-100

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - FTSE 100 of the London Stock Exchange rallied more than a percent amidst hopes of a relaxation…

Inflation Drags Down FTSE-100

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - The FTSE-100 benchmark of the London Stock Exchange is currently trading lower amidst data that showed a…