Blackstone Mortgage Aktie: Die Glocken läuten Sturm Die Blackstone Mortgage Trust verzeichnet zum Jahresende 2024 eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung im Dividendenbereich. Der Immobilienfinanzierer hat seine vierteljährliche Ausschüttung im…
Pimco Landlord’s NYC Building Sells for Less Than Value of Its Debt A Manhattan office building backed by a Pacific Investment Management Co. landlord sold for about 6% less than the value…
Blackstone Mortgage Aktie: Stabile Dividendenrendite trotz Herausforderungen Die Blackstone Mortgage Trust Aktie zeigt sich in einem herausfordernden Marktumfeld relativ stabil. Mit einem aktuellen Kurs von 19,03 USD…
Blackstone Mortgage Aktie: Dividendenrendite bleibt attraktiv Die Blackstone Mortgage Trust Aktie zeigt sich in einem herausfordernden Marktumfeld relativ stabil. Trotz eines leichten Kursrückgangs von 0,19% am…
Blackstone Mortgage Trust Cuts Dividend by 24% Blackstone Mortgage Trust Inc., which provides financing for commercial real estate, is cutting its dividend by 24% as defaults increase…
Blackstone Mortgage Trust (BXMT) Q2 Earnings Beat Estimates Blackstone Mortgage (BXMT) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of 12% and 3.87%, respectively, for the quarter ended June 2024. Do…
Carson Block on Current Investment Environment, BXMT Short "Its never been a good time to be a short seller I suppose," Muddy Waters founder and CIO Carson Block…
Earnings call: Blackstone Mortgage Trust posts Q1 GAAP net loss By Earnings call: Blackstone Mortgage Trust posts Q1 GAAP net loss…
Carson Block Warms to Blackstone Mortgage Trust Short Muddy Waters Capital founder Carson Block says the firm is growing even more convinced about the bet against Blackstone Mortgage…
Carson Block on Uninvestable China and CRE Risk Muddy Waters Research founder Carson Block says speculative names might not be the best shorts. Speaking with Sonali Basak on…
Carson Block Warns CRE Shakeout Is in ‘Early Innings’ Muddy Waters Research founder Carson Block says the firm is “more bearish” on Blackstone Mortgage Trust during an interview with…
Short Seller Block Says He’s Even ‘More Bearish’ on Blackstone Mortgage Trust Short seller Carson Block said his firm has grown “more bearish” on Blackstone Mortgage Trust, citing troubles with multifamily properties.…