
JPMorgans Maier on JEPQ Outperforming JEPI

JPMorgan Asset Management Chief ETF Strategist Jon Maier discusses the JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income ETF (ticker: JEPQ) and JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF (ticker: JEPI). He speaks with Eric Balchunas, Scarlet Fu and Katie Greifeld on "ETF IQ." (Source: Bloomberg)

JPMorgans Maier on JEPQ, JEPI, JPST ETFs

JPMorgan Asset Management Chief ETF Strategist Jon Maier discusses the JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income ETF (ticker: JEPQ), JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF (ticker: JEPI), and JPMorgan Ultra-Short Income ETF (ticker: JPST). He speaks with Eric Balchunas, Scarlet Fu and Katie Greifeld on "ETF IQ." (Source: Bloomberg)

EQS-News: Bilfinger SE: Aktienrückkauf

EQS-News: Bilfinger SE / Schlagwort(e): Aktienrückkauf/Aktienrückkauf Bilfinger SE: Aktienrückkauf 03.03.2025 / 20:34 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwo...

CEOs Cautious Ahead of New Tariffs, Kaplan Says

Robert Kaplan, Goldman Sachs vice chairman, says CEOs he speaks with around the country are skeptical about whether the US will hit Mexico and Canada with new tariffs. Kaplan says many think there needs to be a better strategy for North American trade. He speaks to Bloombergs Julie Fine in Dallas. (Source: Bloomberg)

RBC stuft Shell (neu) auf Outperform

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die kanadische Bank RBC hat die Einstufung für Shell auf "Outperform" mit einem Kursziel von 3500 Pence belassen. Analyst Biraj Borkhataria verwies in einer am Montag ...

EU-Ratspräsident pocht auf Sicherheitsgarantien für Kiew

BRÜSSEL (dpa-AFX) - Nach der Blockade-Ankündigung von Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orban zu möglichen Ukraine-Hilfen hält EU-Ratspräsident António Costa an langfristigen Sicherheitsgarantien f...

BlackRock Adds Its Bitcoin ETF to Model Portfolio

BlackRock Inc. is adding a 1% to 2% allocation to the $48 billion iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF (ticker IBIT) in its target allocation portfolios that allow for alternatives, according to an investment outlook viewed by Bloomberg. (Source: Bloomberg)

Libya Launches First Oil Exploration Tender Since Civil War

Libya launched its first tender for energy exploration since before the 2011 civil war, as the OPEC member seeks to lure back oil and gas majors following years of political instability and production shutdowns.

Mixed ISM Data Jitters Markets

The reading on the ISM manufacturing survey was only slightly disappointing, but the details were not great. Not only did prices paid rise a lot more than expected to 62.4 (the highest since June 2022), but new orders (48.6) and employment (47.6) both unexpectedly sagged below 50. Bloombergs Stuart Faux has more on the story. (Source: Bloomberg)

Trump nach Äußerung Selenskyjs: USA verlieren Geduld

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Im Streit mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat US-Präsident Donald Trump nachgelegt und damit gedroht, dass die USA ihre Geduld verlieren könnten. Er rea...

Targets Views on Demand, Macro Policies in Focus

Target’s outlook on consumer demand and macroeconomic uncertainties will be among key areas of focus when it reports results on March 4. In particular, investors will be watching for the retailer’s view on discretionary spending and tariffs. HSBC Americas Retail Analyst Daniela Bretthauer explains more on "Bloomberg Markets." (Source: Bloomberg)

Sol Strategies Aktie: Auf der Überholspur zum Erfolg

Das kanadische Blockchain-Unternehmen verstärkt seinen Verwaltungsrat mit Finanzexperte Luis Berruga und kooperiert mit Neptune Digital Assets für optimiertes Solana-Staking. Sol Strategies Inc. (C...

PayPal Aktie: Neueste Entwicklungen und Perspektiven

Der Zahlungsdienstleister zeigt trotz Tagesschwankungen Erholungszeichen mit 29% Zuwachs über dem Jahrestief, während Analysten optimistisch auf die kommenden Quartalszahlen blicken. Die PayPal-Akt...

Trump stellt Zölle auf Agrarimporte in Aussicht

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - US-Präsident Donald Trump stellt Zölle auf alle Agrar-Importe in Aussicht. Als Datum für die neuen Zölle kündigte er auf seinem Online-Sprachrohr Truth Social den 2. April a...

Private Credit ETF Issues Will Be Resolved: Murphy

A much-anticipated private credit exchange-traded fund from Wall Street giants State Street Corp. and Apollo Global Management Inc. said it will change its name after the SEC shared concerns over the ETF. TMX VettaFi Investment Strategist Cinthia Murphy says the disruption can be "clunky" but does not expect the ETF to be pulled off the shelf. She speaks with Katie Greifeld, Scarlet Fu and Eric Balchunas on "ETF IQ." (Source: Bloomberg)

Trumps Crypto Reserve Met With Skepticism

Donald Trump’s announcement that the US will include three lesser-known digital tokens in its strategic crypto reserve was greeted with skepticism in the industry, with investors questioning the project’s merits and the coins he selected giving up some of their initial gains. Bloomberg’s Zeke Faux has more on the story. (Source: Bloomberg)

TSMC to invest $100B in US chip manufacturing: WSJ

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) is reportedly preparing to invest approximately $100 billion in US chip manufacturing plants over the next four years. According to the Wall Street Journal, President Donald Trump is expected to announce the plans full details Monday afternoon. Catalysts co-hosts Madison Mills and Seana Smith break down the details. To watch more expert insights and analysis on the latest market action, check out more Catalysts here. This post was written by Ange...

State Street, Apollo To Rename ETF

A much-anticipated private credit exchange-traded fund from Wall Street giants State Street Corp. and Apollo Global Management Inc. said it will change its name after the US Securities and Exchange Commission shared concerns over the ETF. Bloombergs Emily Graffeo has the story. (Source: Bloomberg)

Watch live: Trump investment announcement

President Trump on Monday afternoon is expected to make announce that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) plans to spend $100 billion in U.S. chip manufacturing plants on Monday. The …

Musalem Favors Patient Approach to Fed Policy

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President Alberto Musalem says that while he anticipates price growth to moderate toward the central bank’s 2% goal, it is vital for policymakers to keep inflation expectations in check. Musalem speaks at a conference hosted by the National Association for Business Economics in Washington.