
2 No-Brainer Warren Buffett Stocks to Buy Right Now

There arent many investors more widely known than Warren Buffett. After decades of tremendous investment returns through the company he runs, Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has made himself a household name. Because of Buffetts success, many people track his investments to get an idea of where they should invest. The average persons investing priorities may not align with those of a billionaire or a trillion-dollar corporation, but valuable lessons can be learned from their holdings and approach...

Aktien New York: Tech-Börse Nasdaq und Nvidia-Aktie stabilisiert

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Quartalsbilanz des Chip-Giganten Nvidia nach Börsenschluss haben die Kurse am Mittwoch etwas zugelegt. Der von Tech-Schwergewichten dominierte Nasdaq 100 Index ging mit plus 0,4 Prozent auf 21.16...

Workday Aktie: Starke Q4-Ergebnisse und optimistische Prognose

New York ( - Workday-Aktienanalyse von Oppenheimer: Rating und Kursziel Oppenheimer hat das Kursziel für die Aktie von Workday Inc. (ISIN: US98138H1014, WKN: A1J39P, Ticker-Symbol: W7D, NASDAQ-Symbol: WDAY) von USD 300 auf USD 320 erhöht und das "outperform"-Rating bestätigt. [mehr]

Super Micro Computer: Aktie steigt nach dem mit Spannung erwarteten 10-K-Bericht um über 21%

Frankfurt ( - Super Micro Computer: Aktie steigt nach dem mit Spannung erwarteten 10-K-Bericht um über 21% Super Micro Computer (ISIN: US86800U3023, WKN: A40MRM, Ticker-Symbol: MS51, NASDAQ-Symbol: SMCI) hat gestern seinen 10-K-Bericht veröffentlicht und damit eines der größten Risiken ausgeräumt, das seit Ende Oktober auf dem Unternehmen lastete, so die Experten von XTB. [mehr]

Multiply Group unterzeichnet wegweisende Investition mit CVC und PAI Partners, um eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung (67,91 %) an Tendam zu sichern. Die Transaktion wird voraussichtlich das operative EBITDA von Multiply nach der Konsolidierung verdoppeln.

ABU DHABI, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Multiply Group PJSC (ADX: MULTIPLY), die in Abu Dhabi ansässige Investmentgesellschaft, die weltweit in Unternehmen investiert und diese in vier Sektoren betreibt: Mobilität, Medien und Kommunikation, Energie und Versorgung sowie Schönheit und Wellness, hat vorbehaltlich des erfolgreichen Erhalts aller behördlichen Genehmigungen zugestimmt, über eine Kapitalerhöhung eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung von 67,91 % an Castellano Investments S.À R.L.

Dillards Sales Decline Hits Margin

Dillards beat earnings expectations for Q4 2024 but faced a challenging retail environment with mixed results across product categories.

Is Ringcentral (RNG) Stock Undervalued Right Now?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Summit Hotel Properties (INN) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Sanmina (SANM) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Is Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri (TKC) Stock Undervalued Right Now?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Harmony Biosciences (HRMY) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Phibro Animal Health (PAHC) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Amplify Energy (AMPY) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Is Griffon (GFF) Stock Undervalued Right Now?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Enersys (ENS) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Globe Life (GL) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy EZCORP (EZPW) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Is Garrett Motion (GTX) Stock Undervalued Right Now?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Should Value Investors Buy Flexible Solutions International (FSI) Stock?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

Are Investors Undervaluing Eagle Bancorp (EGBN) Right Now?

Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.

First Solar Aktie: Q4-Ergebnisse durch Lieferverzögerungen beeinflusst

New York ( - First Solar-Aktienanalyse von J.P. Morgan Securities: Rating und Kursziel JPMorgan hat das Kursziel für die Aktie von First Solar Inc. (ISIN: US3364331070, WKN: A0LEKM, Ticker-Symbol: F3A, NASDAQ-Symbol: FSLR) von USD 282 auf USD 268 gesenkt, bleibt aber bei der Einschätzung "overweight". [mehr]

Danone Kaufen

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die DZ Bank hat den fairen Wert für Danone von 74 auf 78 Euro je Aktie angehoben und die Einstufung auf "Kaufen" belassen. Der Nahrungsmittelkonzern habe ein starkes Jahr 2024 hinter sich und damit "das erste Kapitel des ...

Home Depot Verkaufen

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die DZ Bank hat den fairen Wert für Home Depot nach Zahlen zum vierten Quartal von 340 auf 332 US-Dollar gesenkt und die Einstufung auf "Verkaufen" belassen. Die Baumarktkette habe die Markterwartungen übertroffen, schrieb ...

ANALYSE-FLASH: Jefferies belässt BP auf Buy - Ziel 540 Pence

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Broker) - Das Analysehaus Jefferies hat die Einstufung für BP vor dem Hintergrund des Kapitalmarkttages auf "Buy" mit einem Kursziel von 540 Pence belassen. BP vollziehe mit seiner Rückkehr zum Upstream-Geschäft, der Erschließung u...