Extreme weather events are increasing in number and destructiveness. Now, due to Trump Administration edicts, additional climate-related financial risks must be managed.
FTSE 100 climbs 37 points to 8,796 Games Workshop issues short but sweet update Defence sector bolstered by German fiscal proposals 1.23pm: Severn Trent...
8.12am: FTSE 100 opens higher The FTSE 100 is indeed storming the barn, up 50 points in the first few minutes of trading to 8,809.36 to roughly halve the...
FTSE 100 climbs 58 points to 8,817 Games Workshop issues short but sweet update Defence sector bolstered by German fiscal proposals 8.42am: Europe back on...
FTSE 100 climbs 29 points to 8,788 Games Workshop issues short but sweet update Defence sector bolstered by German fiscal proposals 12.24pm: Nasdaq to...
FTSE 100 climbs 35 points to 8,794 Games Workshop issues short but sweet update Defence sector bolstered by German fiscal proposals 3.08pm: Dow Jones higher...
FTSE 100 climbs 28 points to 8,787 Games Workshop issues short but sweet update Defence sector bolstered by German fiscal proposals 3.58pm: FTSE 100 on the...
The activist firm backed by Martin Lorentzon, the billionaire co-founder of Spotify Technology SA, is seeking external funds to build out its strategy of investing in small to medium-sized listed companies.
Foxtons is among those lining up to update on Wednesday, while car sales and purchasing managers index data will also be released. Foxtons update will draw...
7.33am: Games Workshop brief and to the point Games Workshop Group PLC has rolled out an extremely short but positive trading update, saying trading in...
FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Seit dem Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine vor drei Jahren boomt die Rüstungsbranche. Die Zeitenwende spiegelt sich auch in den wichtigsten deutschen Indizes wider. Nachdem Rheinmetall vor zwei Jahren in den Dax und de...
IRW-PRESS: NGX Limited: Elektrochemische Tests bestätigen die Eignung für Hochleistungsbatterien- Elektrochemische Tests (Halbzelle) an Malingunde Coated Purified Spherical Graphite (CSPG) erzielen außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse, die die Eignung als Hoc...
"Bloomberg: The Asia Trade" brings you everything you need to know to get ahead as the trading day begins in Asia. Bloomberg TV is live from Tokyo and Sydney with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts, getting insight and analysis from newsmakers and industry leaders on the biggest stories shaping global markets. (Source: Bloomberg)
WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - US-Präsident Donald Trump hat die jüngsten Wiederannäherungsversuche des ukrainischen Staatschefs Wolodymyr Selenskyj nach dem Eklat zwischen beiden Politikern begrüßt. Bei einer Ansprache im US-Parlament sagte Trump, er habe e...
Gesichtsmasken mit Licht sollen gegen Falten und Pickel helfen. Das Start-up Rosental Organics bewirbt seine Maske besonders intensiv. Wir haben sie getestet – und sind auf mutmaßliche Werbetrickserei gestoßen.
Huawei: Barcelona, Spanien, 5. März 2025 (ots/PRNewswire) - Auf dem MWC Barcelona 2025 stellte Leon Wang, Präsident der Datenkommunikations-Produktlinie von Huawei, während der Produkt- und Lösungseinführungsveranstaltung die AI WAN Lösung vor. Er ...
China’s economic goals drew a mixed response from market watchers, with some lauding Beijing’s commitment to a growth target of about 5% and others ruing that the largely in-line projections lacked any major positive surprises.
MAUGUIO, Frankreich--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Netforce, ein Unternehmen, das Technologien für die Strafverfolgung entwickelt, freut sich, eine strategische Investitionszusage in Höhe von 45 Millionen Euro von GEM Global Yield LLC SCS („GEM“), einer Private-Equity- und alternativen Investmentgruppe mit einem verwalteten Vermögen von 3,4 Milliarden Dollar, bekannt zu geben. „Unser Ziel ist es, die Strafverfolgungsbehörden mit Instrumenten auszustatten, die es ihnen ermöglichen, präzise und kontrolliert z
“Bloomberg: The China Show” is your definitive source for news and analysis on the worlds second-biggest economy. From politics and policy to tech and trends, David Ingles and Rebecca Choong Wilkins give global investors unique insight, delivering in-depth discussions with the newsmakers who matter. (Source: Bloomberg)
India’s largest bourse, the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., unexpectedly changed the expiration day for its listed equity derivatives to Mondays from Thursdays.
Commodities Analysis by Investing.com (Damian Nowiszewski) covering: Silver Spot US Dollar, US Dollar Index. Read Investing.com (Damian Nowiszewski)s latest article on Investing.com
Call options on CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. that traded on Feb. 18 are now worth 28,700% more after shares jumped following the sale of a subsidiary’s port stakes to a consortium led by BlackRock Inc.
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he received a letter from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in which the Ukrainian leader expressed willingness to come to the negotiating table over the Russia-Ukraine war.
Chinese billionaire Li Shufu’s Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. has obtained a syndicated loan to refinance borrowings related to its 2018 acquisition of a stake in Volvo AB, according to people familiar with the matter.
South Korea’s Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. issued the first green bond in Asia whose proceeds can be used to finance nuclear energy projects, according to the company.
^AUSTIN, Texas, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Ambiq(®), ein führenderAnbieter von Ultra-Low-Power-Halbleiterlösungen, die die erheblichenHerausforderungen des Stromverbrauchs von konventionellen und KI-Rechnern imEdge-Umfeld meistern, stellt die A...
The Trump administration’s list of federal properties that could be offered for sale quickly shrank from 443 to 320 in the span of hours Tuesday, as the General Services Administration pulled some iconic buildings — including some agency headquarters — from the website.
China pledged to address the overproduction crippling its steel and oil sectors, two of the country’s worst-performing and most-polluting industries, as the government looks to reconfigure its economy and meet robust growth targets.
CK Hutchison stock gained more than 22% on Wednesday after the Hong Kong conglomerate sold a majority stake in a $22.8 billion ports unit, including assets along the Panama Canal, to a group led by U.S. buyout firm BlackRock .
Tariffs often cause bad side effects such as higher prices and inflation, making your money worth less. Another big risk -- damage to Americans long-term retirement goals.
WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - US-Präsident Donald Trump hat bei seiner Rede vor dem Kongress die Einführung weitreichender Zölle gegen langjährige Wirtschaftspartner wie Kanada und Mexiko verteidigt. "Bei Zöllen geht es darum, Amerika wieder reich zu machen...
Iron ore futures eased on Wednesday, pressured by tit-for-tat tariffs from U.S. and top consumer China, though prospects of brightening Chinese steel demand cushioned the fall.
WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk als Leiter seines Kostensenkungs-Gremiums Doge gepriesen. "Doge, vielleicht haben Sie schon davon gehört, wird von Elon Musk geleitet, der heute Abend auf der Tribüne ...
Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Shinichi Uchida signaled that the benchmark interest rate remains on a gradual upward path, in remarks that may quell speculation of an early move.
Disney is planning to cut about 200 position or 6% of staff at ABC News Group and Disney Entertainment Networks unit, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed sources.