Solanas (CRYPTO: SOL) current price near $178 is down 21% over the last three months, making it significantly cheaper than before. This looks like a lucrative opportunity for investors who are willing to take a risk and buy the dip. Even if youre only investing a moderate amount of money, say $3,000, there are still three solid reasons why its worth buying this coin right now instead of one of the many alternatives.
Here are the three reasons why Solana is a buy instead of a sell at the momen... (NYSE: AI) has benefited significantly from the excitement surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). It provides companies in a wide range of industries with turnkey AI solutions, making it easy for them to deploy next-gen technologies.
But despite the promising path ahead for the business with respect to AI, it has been anything but a smooth ride for the stock, which is down big this year. And while the business has been growing, there are plenty of risks involved with investing in it tod...
Medicus Pharma (NASDAQ:MDCX) CEO Raza Bokhari talked with Proactive about the latest progress in the company’s ongoing clinical trials for its innovative...
Wollen Bauherren und Eigentümer sanieren oder umbauen, brauchen Sie Geduld. Denn Handwerker sind schwer zu bekommen, teilweise betragen die Wartezeiten schon für einfache Aufgaben mehrere Monate. Wer trotzdem dringend einen Fachmann braucht, sollte von den Immobilien-Profis lernen.
If youre stressing out about your future retirement because the idea of a fixed income is scary, know that youre not likely to be living on a totally fixed income -- most of us are scheduled to start collecting Social Security benefits in the future, and those benefits get nearly annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs).
COLAs are great, and Id much rather receive them than not, but Im not counting on them keeping me afloat throughout my retirement. Heres why.Where to invest $1,000 right n...
Der Vermögensverwalter Blackstone verzeichnet aktuell einen anhaltenden Rückgang bei der Aktienkursentwicklung. Der letzte Kurs der Blackstone Aktie liegt bei 133,05 EUR (08. März 2025) und ist dam...
Die Technologieinvestment-Holding Prosus verzeichnet weiterhin eine positive Entwicklung an den Börsen. Der aktuelle Kurs liegt bei 44,58 Euro (Stand: 08. März 2025, 12:50 Uhr) und konnte im vergan...
Auf der Founders-Fund-Website von Google wurden Hinweise auf Diversity-Förderungen entfernt. Statt unterrepräsentierte Gründer:innen zu unterstützen, soll der Fokus künftig auf der Unterstützung vo...
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have become a mainstay of today’s financial markets, offering easy and instant diversification, low costs, and reliable performance that reduces volatility while maximizing returns. Three of the largest and most popular are the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY), the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO), and the Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ). Like stocks, ETFs trade on exchanges, providing investors direct access to portfolios of stocks rather than individual companies. Their low costs, s
Walmart (NYSE: WMT) is one of the largest and most powerful retailers in the world. It is performing quite well right now, with the companys fiscal fourth quarter 2025 same-store sales ticking up 4.6%.
Theres a wrinkle in this number, however, because it is being supported by customers who dont normally shop at Walmart. Heres why thats a problem.Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks to buy right now. Learn More »
What does ...
When Apple releases the next major iPhone update in April, there’s a raft of new features, including a collection of new emoji. One of which seems to sum up modern life (or is that just me?).
The Worlds Hottest Menopause Party was more than a party - it was proof that these women have created a movement to bring menopause into the mainstream.
Der polnische Bushersteller Solaris vermeldet seinen ersten Auftrag für Trolleybusse aus Kanada. Der Verkehrsbetreiber TransLink in Vancouver bestellt 107 Exemplare des Trollino 12 von Solaris und ...
Die Aktie des Immobilienriesen Vonovia verzeichnete am 8. März 2025 einen leichten Anstieg von 0,16 Prozent und notiert aktuell bei 25,81 Euro. Trotz des jüngsten Kursanstiegs zeigt die Aktie im Mo...
Die American Resources Corporation verzeichnet weiterhin erhebliche Schwierigkeiten an den Finanzmärkten. Am 8. März 2025 fiel der Aktienkurs um beachtliche 7,92% auf 0,5555 USD im Vergleich zum Vo...
Die Verdi-Ankündigung, am Montag elf Flughäfen in Deutschland zu bestreiken, hält der Flughafenverband für unverantwortlich und fordert einen „besseren Schutz“. Schließlich gehöre auch dieser Bereich zur kritischen Infrastruktur.
Kiew - Der ehemalige ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko fordert, dass Kiew einem möglichen sofortigen Waffenstillstand zustimmen soll.Es brauche jetzt "einen neuen Ansatz ohne Streit", sagte e...
ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) utilizes artificial intelligence to help enterprises improve operations.
Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks to buy right now. Learn More »
*Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of March 5, 2025. The video was published on March 7, 2025.
Don’t miss this second chance at a potentially lucrative opportunity
Ever feel like you missed the boat in buying the most successful stocks? Then you’ll want to ...
Some investors, most notably Warren Buffett, prefer to buy shares of businesses they believe are undervalued. On the flip side, some investors want to own companies increasing their sales and profits rapidly.
The latter group hopes to achieve strong investment returns from their holdings. If this sounds like you, theres no need to look far to find a worthwhile opportunity. Heres the smartest growth stock to buy with $1,000 right now.Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revea...
In this video, I will be talking about the state of the stock market, recent macro data, and comments made by Fundstrats Tom Lee. Watch the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.
*Stock prices used were from the trading day of March 7, 2025. The video was published on March 7, 2025.Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks to buy right now. Learn More »
Should you invest $1,000 in A...
Symbotic (NASDAQ: SYM) is helping companies like Walmart (NYSE: WMT) automate operations using artificial intelligence and robotics.
Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks to buy right now. Learn More »
*Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of March 5, 2025. The video was published on March 7, 2025.
Should you invest $1,000 in Symbotic right now?
Before you buy stock in Symbotic, consider this:
The Motley Fool Stock Adviso...
Die LPKF Laser & Electronics AG verzeichnete in der ersten Märzwoche 2025 weitere Kurseinbußen. Am 8. März notierte die Aktie bei 8,535 Euro und setzte damit ihren negativen Trend fort. Im Monatsve...
Wie Vorurteile schon im Kindesalter die Chance auf eine spätere Karriere im Tech-Sektor erschweren. Und wie Julia Freudenberg, Geschäftsführerin der Hacker School, mit gezielter Förderung dagegen a...
Der US-Energiekonzern Entergy verzeichnete am 7. März 2025 einen moderaten Kursanstieg von 0,33% auf 75,50 EUR, was als positive Entwicklung inmitten eines herausfordernden Marktumfelds gilt. Die A...
The nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy of our own Milky Way, harbors a heretofore unconfirmed supermassive black hole. A new paper confirms the stunning detection.
Der Neobroker Trade Republic ist eine der beliebtesten Handelsplattformen in Deutschland für ETFs, Aktien und Kryptowährungen. Doch eine Sache sollten Anleger hier besser nicht kaufen, und das glei...
When the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced last October that seniors would be getting a 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), a lot of older Americans werent happy. The reality is that, historically speaking, a 2.5% Social Security COLA isnt terrible. But in the context of more recent COLAs, its small.
At this point, though, seniors have been living with their 2.5% COLA for a couple of months. Now, retirees are looking ahead to 2026 and hoping for better news on the COLA front.S...
AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) stock is falling considerably as it fails to gain substantial traction in the artificial intelligence market.
*Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of March 5, 2025. The video was published on March 7, 2025.Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks to buy right now. Learn More »
Should you invest $1,000 in Advanced Micro Devices right now?
Before you buy stock in Advanced Micro Devices, consider this:
The Mo...
Auch die vergangene Handelswoche hielt einiges an Volatilität für die Kryptowährung Nummer 1 ausgehend von der Marktkapitalisierung bereit. Vollständigen Artikel weiterlesen- Handeln Sie verantwort...
WerbungZusammen mit Ihnen wollen wir einen Blick auf die aktuelle Wochenhistorie werfen. Was war wichtig? Was bewegte den Markt? Wir haben die wichtigsten Ereignisse übersichtlich für Sie zusammeng...
During its rise to become a dominant tech enterprise, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) has certainly made its early investors some serious money. In the past two decades, shares have generated a total return of greater than 18,000%, boosted by the introduction of popular hardware devices and services.
If you had been fortunate enough to make just a $5,500 investment in the business in March 2005, youd be sitting on a seven-figure sum today. The bulls hope the future can offer a similar reward. Where to inv...
At the time of this writing, the Nasdaq Composite (NASDAQINDEX: ^IXIC) is down 9.4% from its 52-week high, while the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) is down 6%.
While we are nowhere close to a full-blown market crash, the Nasdaq is close to correction territory, which is a drawdown of at least 10%. A crash is usually defined as a swift sell-off of at least 20%, and a bear market is a prolonged decline of more than 20%.Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team just revealed what they believe a...
Nextech3D.AI (CSE:NTAR, OTCQX:NEXCF) joined Proactive to discuss the company’s latest AI-driven partnership with The collaboration is aimed at...
Pekings Handelsministerium lässt mitteilen, dass Kanada mit den Strafzöllen auf Elektroautos gegen das chinesische Außenhandelsgesetz verstoßen habe. China verhängt Gegenmaßnahmen.
Wirelane kooperiert mit der Fitnessstudiokette Easyfitness, um an allen deutschen Standorten des Unternehmens Ladestationen aufzubauen. Der Rollout beginnt in Deutschland in den Filialbetrieben und...
Die Edelmetallmärkte zeigen sich weiterhin von ihrer starken Seite. Während Gold mit 2.911 US-Dollar pro Unze nahe an seinem Allzeithoch notiert, konnte Silber in dieser Woche um 4,3 % zulegen und ...
Share prices of Okta (NASDAQ: OKTA) surged higher after the cybersecurity company on Monday reported fiscal 2025 fourth-quarter results that easily topped analyst expectations and offered upbeat guidance. The stock trades up about 30% year to date as of this writing, although its still down over the past 12 months.
With that initial pop in the books, can Okta continue to rally, or have investors missed their near-term window to buy the stock?Where to invest $1,000 right now? Our analyst team ju...
Building a company from the ground up in a capital-intensive industry is difficult to do. It is even more difficult when that industry has a small number of large and entrenched leaders. But this is exactly what Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) managed to achieve, effectively creating the electric vehicle (EV) market that exists today.
Lucid (NASDAQ: LCID) is trying to recreate that magic. It has a long way to go before it is anywhere near Tesla or other EV peers, like Rivian (NASDAQ: RIVN). Heres why.Wher...
PubMatic (NASDAQ: PUBM) held its fourth-quarter and full-year 2024 earnings call on February 27, 2025. The advertising technology company delivered 9% revenue growth for the full year despite headwinds from a major demand-side platform (DSP) partner that changed its bidding approach. Management highlighted continued success in high-growth areas like connected TV (CTV), mobile app, and emerging revenue streams while managing margins effectively. Here are the three most important takeaways for lon...
British American Tobacco (NYSE: BTI) is one of the worlds largest cigarette makers. That places the company in the consumer staples sector, since cigarette smokers tend to keep buying cigarettes no matter what the economic environment looks like. Being in this sector might make the stocks huge 7.5% dividend yield sound appealing.
Here are three reasons why you should be cautious.Start Your Mornings Smarter! Wake up with Breakfast news in your inbox every market day. Sign Up For Free »
1. Briti...
DOBROPILLJA (dpa-AFX) - Russland hat mit einem neuen schweren Luftangriff in der ostukrainischen Bergbaustadt Dobropillja im Gebiet Donezk laut Behörden mindestens elf Menschen getötet. Es gab bei...
DOBROPILLJA (dpa-AFX) - Russland hat mit einem neuen schweren Luftangriff in der ostukrainischen Bergbaustadt Dobropillja im Gebiet Donezk laut Behörden mindestens elf Menschen getötet. Es gab bei den Treffern in Wohnhäusern auch mindestens 30 Verlet...
The past year has been disastrous for energy drink maker Celsius Holdings (NASDAQ: CELH), whose share price is down a staggering 66% during that time frame. This once-hot growth stock has seen its valuation go into a tailspin as investors become concerned about its suddenly less impressive numbers and its underwhelming near-term prospects.
It finished last week at a price of $25.69 -- down more than 74% from its 52-week high of $99.62. The company is facing some challenges, but is it in bad shap...