Citi - Euro Stoxx 50
[WKN: 965814 | ISIN: EU0009658145]
5.085,0 0,61%
Echtzeitkurs Citi - Euro Stoxx 50
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Zinsängste drücken Europas Börsen ins Minus

Frankfurt (Reuters) - Anhaltende Zinserhöhungsängste setzen den europäischen Börsen zu. Dax und EuroStoxx50 lagen gegen Freitagmittag jeweils 1,6 Prozent im…

European Shares Tumble As Bond Yields Rise Again

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - European stocks tumbled on Friday amid worries about persistent inflation and the Federal Reserves aggressive rate-hike cycle.…

European Stocks Seen Opening Weak

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - European stock markets are expected to open weak on Thursday amidst renewed fears over inflation and rate…

European Stocks Close On Firm Note Again

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT/PARIS (dpa-AFX) - European stocks closed higher on Tuesday, with investors continuing to react positively to the U.K.s decision to…