Insgesamt 240 Exponate kommen beim Auktionshaus Aurena unter den Hammer....…
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...MOSCOW, May 22 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it
would ship 40.9... million cubic metres of gas to Europe via
Ukraine on…
Wer hinter den Sprengstoffanschlägen auf die Ostsee-Pipelines Nord Stream 1 und 2 steckt, ist ungeklärt. Laut Medienberichten prüfen die Ermittler…
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Es gilt als eines der größten Rätsel: Wer hat den Anschlag auf die Nord-Stream-Pipelines verübt? Nach Informationen von NDR, WDR…
A request for transit via the Sokhranovka gas pumping station was rejected...…
...MOSCOW, May 20 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it
would ship 40.7..., compared with 41.3 mcm on Friday.
(Reporting by Reuters; Editing…
Russia, Iran Pursue Joint Development Of Oil & Gas Fields
...May 19 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it will send
41.3 million... cubic metres of natural gas to Europe via Ukraine
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The maximum daily productivity will be 858.8 million cubic meters...…
...MOSCOW, May 18 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it will
ship 40.6....
(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Jan Harvey)
It was added that Iran and Gazprom continue negotiations on joint projects in the country worth a total of $40…
Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji said earlier that Iran and Gazprom continue negotiations on joint projects in the country worth…
...May 17 (Reuters) - Gazprom said it will ship 41.2
million cubic... metres of gas to Europe via Ukraine on Wednesday.
On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the…
...May 16 (Reuters) - A fire broke out during repair works... being investigated.
(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)
Nord Stream Island Shaken By "Power Pressure Wave From Atmosphere"
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Uniper und die Ex-Gazprom-Tochter Sefe zahlen ihren Tradern laut eines Reuters Berichts trotz der Krisenlage Boni in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe....…
Gas withdrawal from European underground gas storage (UGS) facilities amounted to 13 mln cubic meters on May...…
...MOSCOW, May 15 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it will
ship 40.3... million cubic metres of gas to Europe via Ukraine…
Justice For NordStream Attack? Highly Unlikely
Authored by Julianne…
The request for the Sokhranovka gas pumping station has been rejected...…
...MOSCOW, May 13 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom
said it will send 40.4......…
In January 2022, Gazprom and the Mongolian government signed a statement on the results of the consideration of the feasibility…
The heating season in Europe ended on April 6...…
The transit line through Ukraine remains the only route for Russian gas supplies to the countries of Western and Central…
The application for deliveries through Sokhanovka was rejected...…
A request for transit via the Sokhranovka gas pumping station was rejected...…
The application for deliveries through Sokhanovka rejected...…
...MOSCOW, May 6 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom
said it would ship 39.5..., compared with 40.8 mcm on
(Reporting by Reuters)
The transit line through Ukraine remains the only route for Russian gas supplies to the countries of Western and Central…
...May 5 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it
would ship 40.8 million... level as on Thursday.
(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Jan…
Die Gaspreise sind in den vergangenen Monaten kräftig gesunken. Dies belastete auch den Aktienkurs des nach Gazprom größten europäischen Gasproduzenten…
Neue Recherchen mehrerer Fernsehsender kommen zum Ergebnis, dass vor den Explosionen an Nord Stream offenbar mehrere russische Schiffe vor Ort…
The heating season in Europe ended on April 6. European UGS facilities are currently 60.36% full...…
By Santiago Vera Garcia Gazprom Armenia has decided to stop gas supplies from Russia to Armenia amid tensions between the…
Bayerns Ministerpräsident äußert sich zur K-Frage der Union. Ein britischer Ex-Agent spürt russischen Schiffen in der Nord-Stream-Frage nach. Und der…
New BBC Report Insinuates Russia Blew Up Nord Stream Pipeline
Im September 2022 gibt es mehrere Explosionen an den beiden Nord-Stream-Piplines. Bis heute stellt sich die Frage: Wer steckt dahinter?…
Auch russische Marine gewesen. Spekulation über Operationen unter Wasser. Immer mehr Theorien über mögliche Verantwortliche für Anschlag....…
...COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Three Russian navy ships were observed... confirmed to Reuters that a patrol vessel…
MOSKAU (dpa-AFX) - Vor dem Hintergrund sinkender Lieferungen nach Europa ist die Gasförderung in Russland Medien…
KOPENHAGEN (dpa-AFX) - Vor den Explosionen an den Nord-Stream-Leitungen in der Ostsee haben sich nach Angaben skandinavischer Medien mehrere russische…
In May 2022, the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine said it would shut down gas transit to Europe via…
...MOSCOW, May 3 (Reuters) - Russias Gazprom said it would
ship 40.9....
(Reporting by Reuters, Editing by Louise Heavens
Geheime Funksprüche, die ein ehemaliger Geheimdienstmitarbeiter abgefangen hat, zeigen nun: Russische Schiffe, die Unterwasserdrohnen steuern können, hielten sich verdächtig nahe…
Ein Ex-Geheimdienstler hört in seiner Freizeit die russische Ostseeflotte ab und half bereits, ein Spionageprogramm zu enttarnen. Nun folgt er…