Saga Pure ASA
[WKN: A1C3YB | ISIN: NO0010572589]
1,228NOK 0,91%
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Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary insider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary insider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary insider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary insider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary insider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

SAGA: Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary innsider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

SAGA: Mandatory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary innsider Øystein Stray Spetalen and Martin Nes, has on…

SAGA: Mandertory notification of trade

Tycoon Industrier AS, a company associated to Board member and primary innsider Øystein Stray Spetalen, has on 1 July purchased…

Saga Pure ASA: Annual Report 2022

(Oslo, 21 April 2023) Saga Pure ASA (Saga Pure, OSE:SAGA) has published its Annual Report for 2022. The report is attached to this stock…